The year of cotton... apparently there is a tradition (whether it be southern or global I know not) in which every year, for some certain amount of years, you get something specific for your significant other in the form of a fiber, a metal, or a substance.
This past year can be summed up affectionately as a Hot Mess. So much change occurred in our lives this past year but through it all we still found the funny, tried new things, were not too cool to be immature, stubbed a few toes, embarrassed ourselves, and got butterflies from time to time. Someone once told us, as we were preparing to commit to each other at the next level, that marriage works when both people come into the relationship being 100%, none of this 50/50 stuff it's 100/100. I think this was one piece of advice I took to heart, that if I wanted to be the best wife/future mom I could be I needed to keep working on me.. continually. As the romantic that I am, some may say even cockeyed optimist (name that movie and my love for you will grow) I thought that one day I would just arrive and my inner Carol Brady and Julia Child would emerge and I would just do it all. When I quickly realized that I was much more like Lucy Ricardo and Maria Portokalos (My Big Fat Greek Wedding). If you havn't guessed that reference above here is a hint:
Thankfully my guy totally loved me knowing full well I was a Frankie Heck and not a June Cleaver.
Enough about me.... When someone introduces their person as "my better half" it's not because they are putting themselves down actually they are bragging. I'm totally OK with claiming my hubs as my better half because I (probably like the rest of the world) am quite stunned that he, out of billions of other women, chose this girl knowing full well what he was getting into! I'm quite proud (and quick to) walk holding his hand or taking his arm, this helps me refrain from yelling as we walk together "Does everyone see I'm with him?", "Nothing to see here he's with me", "I married him"! I know I know we are disgusting and I'm totally fine with that, that couple that started dating in high school and just fell head over heels for each other and still do today. Sometimes I like to just sit and stare at him I think he's so cute (which he hates, he thinks its super weird especially when he's sleeping and wakes up to me staring at his cute face). And yes, I stare even more knowing it freaks him out! hehe
That sums up our way of "keeping things interesting" in our marriage.. figure out what drives the other one crazy and do it when they least expect it. (all in love of coarse) It's also those little things that no one else will ever know those funny things that will always be between us, that I'll treasure forever and think about when I need to laugh for a photo.
So happy anniversary to the best thing that ever happened to me, my knight in under armor, my stand up comic, my best fwiend, and my safe place. Here's to many more years of sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows (BK hates this song haha)! I won't play that one since it's not McKenzie Day... here's one that we both love!
Fun Fact: this was the first song I danced to as a MRS.

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